Showing posts with label GRW SSC Part-2 Result 2014. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GRW SSC Part-2 Result 2014. Show all posts

Saturday, July 19, 2014 Gujranwala Board Matric SSC part 2 result 2014 Search by Roll Number

Advertisement Gujranwala Board Matric SSC part 2 result 2014 Search by Roll Number 

BISE Gujranwala Board tenth Class Result 2014 will distribute on 25th July 2014 while ninth class result will give an account of August 21, 2014. As we all understand that tenth class examinations from BISE Gujranwala Board happened on second March 2014 so this board will be affirming and declaring the result in the latest week of July 2014. Each and every petitioner may get to know his engravings right here from this page. The principle thing that you need to know is your right and right move number. Essentially enter your turn number here on this page and engravings if your tenth class examination will be there in a jiffy before your eyes. From the sources, we came to discharge that BISE Gujranwala Board won't be making any deferral with this result part and learners will in the end know their checks so they move ahead forward with the moderate level without wasting at whatever point.

BISE Gujranwala Board ninth & tenth Class Result 2014 

As we all discharge that this Board of widely appealing and Secondary Education Gujranwala Board were made in 1976. It is a sort of educating body and is skilled to shoulder on and push forward over enrollment and center examinations every single year. For the information, Gujranwala, Gujrat, Sialkot, Narowal, Mandi Baha-Ud-Din and Hafizabad are the key urban zones that go under this Board of widely appealing and Secondary Education Gujranwala Board. It has also been seen that this board has been considered and situated as a transparent body and is similarly enthused about gathering desires for the change and redesign of preparing division of Pakistan. This board has grasped such a framework, to the point that each and every learner and inquirer gets full and serious result from their consultations and tries. Heading gathering of Intermediate and Secondary Education Gujranwala Board are also of this thought and point of view that we need to work in a centered environment and positively need to appreciate the preparation division of Pakistan.

Thusly, in case you have tuned in ninth & tenth class examination for the purpose of Board of widely appealing and Secondary Education Gujranwala Board then you simply need to hold up a tad bit more. We will in all likelihood and definitely be upgrading the indications of your result. In case any modification happens in the result date, we will overhaul that also! Wish each one of you the most flawlessly awesome for your result and may each one of you get most amazing stamps in your ninth & tenth class examination.

You Can Search More: 

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After the result ad result will be exchanged on this webpage and Students of  BISE GRW board can download free paper from our website. Learners of Science, Arts, and programming designing social occasion can check or inquiry yield by move number or by name. Learners of BISE  GRW Board can enter their flexible number in comments box and can get their result in their letter drop by entering their email address in comments box. Lifting news for all contenders of BISE GRW Board Matric/SSC happen 2014. They can get their result Via SMS essentially accommodate us their SSC move  number, name and contact number. We will send BISE GRW Board Intermediate class occur 2014 at your helpful without opposing any issue and inside time.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

BISE GRW Board 9th class result 2014


BISE GRW Board 9th class result 2014

Note! BISE Gujranwala Board is going to announced the Matric 9th Class Annual Exams Result 2014 on 21st August, 2014 at 10:00 AM. BISE Gujranwala Board 10th Class result 2014 has announced on 25th July. 

BISE Gujranwala Board tenth Class Result 2014 will declare on 25th July 2014 while ninth class result will advertise on August 21, 2014. As we all realize that tenth class examinations from BISE Gujranwala Board occurred on second March 2014 so this board will be pronouncing and publishing the result in the most recent week of July 2014. Every last hopeful may get to know his imprints right here from this website page. The main thing that you have to know is your right and right move number. Simply enter your move number here on this page and imprints if your tenth class examination will be there in no time flat before your eyes. From the sources, we came to realize that BISE Gujranwala Board won't be making any postponement with this result part and learners will eventually know their stamps so they proceed onward with the halfway level without squandering whenever. 

BISE Gujranwala Board ninth & tenth Class Result 2014 

As we all realize that this Board of halfway and Secondary Education Gujranwala Board were secured in 1976. It is a kind of summoning body and is mindful to bear on and move ahead over registration and transitional examinations every single year. For the data, Gujranwala, Gujrat, Sialkot, Narowal, Mandi Baha-Ud-Din and Hafizabad are the principle urban areas that go under this Board of transitional and Secondary Education Gujranwala Board. It has likewise been seen that this board has been considered and positioned as a transparent body and is additionally enthusiastic about meeting expectations for the enhancement and improvement of training part of Pakistan. This board has embraced such a philosophy, to the point that every single learner and competitor gets full and intensive conclusion from their deliberations and endeavours. Leading group of Intermediate and Secondary Education Gujranwala Board are additionally of this idea and perspective that we have to work in an aggressive environment and truly need to comprehend the instruction segment of Pakistan. 
Along these lines, in the event that you have partaken in ninth & tenth class examination for the benefit of Board of transitional and Secondary Education Gujranwala Board then you just need to hold up a tiny bit more. We will clearly and absolutely be redesigning the signs of your result. On the off chance that any modification happens in the result date, we will overhaul that as well! Wish every one of you the absolute best for your result and may every one of you get greatest stamps in your ninth & tenth class examination.

After the result report result will be transferred on this site and Students of  BISE GRW board can download free paper from our site. Understudies of Science, Arts, and software engineering gathering can check or output by move number or by name. Understudies of BISE  GRW Board can enter their versatile number in remarks box and can get their result in their letter drop by entering their email address in comment box. Inspiring news for all contenders of BISE GRW Board Matric/SSC come to fruition 2014. They can get their result Via SMS basically provide for us their SSC move  number, name and contact number. We will send BISE GRW Board Intermediate class come about 2014 at your convenient without going up against any issue and inside time. 

Related Links 

Matric Result 2014, 
BISE Gujranwala Board Matric Result 2014, 
ninth Class Result 2014 BISE Gujranwala, 
Gujranwala Board tenth Class Result 2014, 
SSC Result 2014 BISE Gujranwala, 
GRW board matric part 1, 2 come about 2014, 
BISE Gujranwala board ssc part 2 come about 2014, 
BISE Gujranwala board matric part 2 come about 2014, board online result, 
BISE GRW ninth & tenth class yearly come about 2014,

Saturday, July 12, 2014

BISE GRW Board Matric SSC Part 1 & 2 Result 2014


BISE GRW  Board Matric SSC Part 1 & 2 Result 2014

Note! BISE Gujranwala Board is going to announced the Matric 9th Class Annual Exams Result 2014 on 21st August, 2014 at 10:00 AM. BISE Gujranwala Board 10th Class result 2014 has announced on 25th July. 

BISE Gujranwala Board of Intermediate and Secondary  Education will affirm its registration Part 2 result at the most recent week of July 25, 2014. For subtle elements of imprints, stay in contact with and get most recent news. There is an alternate savvy choice of get your result on cellular telephones through SMS. For that, your must fill in the given online structure precisely a move ahead. It's moment, dependable and precise. Numerous understudies may feel denied of not having web access at home. for them things have ended up simpler, speedier and more advantageous through SMS administration result. Continue going to this site for more data. BISE GRW Part 2 class Result will publish on July 25, 2014 while BISE GRW Part 1 result will advertise on August 21, 2014

On the off chance that you need to get your BISE GRW Matric Result 2014 then you need to stay in contact with this page. This page will give you come about and in addition the Top Position Holder of BISE Gujranwala (GRW) Board 2014. BISE Gujranwala Board started its operation in 1976 and it blankets distinctive zones, for example, Gujranwala, Gujrat, Narowal, Mandi Baha-ud-noise and Hafizabad. Registration and Intermediate exams in schools and Collages of these urban communities are directed under the supervision of this board. It is quickly developing to remained with the other Punjab Board. Consistently, Thousand of Students give exams through this board and whole process work reasonably. This Board has complete power for organization, financing, creating, controlling and overseeing examination systems as per the tenets given.
Researchers who were appear in BISE Gujranwala SSC yearly exams 2014, can get their results on the reason of the going with:

  • by strategy for SMS, 
  • through Phone Call or IVRS, 
  • through School code or Institution code (and what's more name), 
  • by Roll number, 
  • by (name clever), 

The above purposes of investment may help a cheerful who is eagerly sitting tight for results to achieve his/her come about. What's more, hopefuls can get their choices for:

  • Class 11 – Intermediate 
  • Enlistment Part II 
  • HSSC Part II
  • eleventh Class 
  • twelfth Class 
  • XI Class – Arts & Science pack 
Researchers could download the online result for assessment ninth and tenth at this page. Our site will exchange all the latest updates of BISE Gujranwala Board specifically after the power notice. Keep passing by this page to download the BISE Gujranwala Board SSC Part 1 & 2 Result 2014. On the off chance that understudies have any inquiries in regards to BISE Gujranwala Board SSC Part 1 &  2 Result 2014. They can ask us by remarking beneath in the remark box. The subtle element of top positions holders will be distributed on July 24. All the separate competitors could check their result on July 25 ready for furthermore through SMS at 800296.

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