Showing posts with label Punjab university ba annual exams result 2014. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Punjab university ba annual exams result 2014. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 19, 2014 Punjab University (PU) Lahore BA/BSc Annual Result 2014


Punjab University (PU) Lahore BA/BSc Annual Result 2014

LAHORE: The Punjab University (PU) will declare the aftereffect of B.a/ yearly examination 2014 on August 20 while prize scattering capacity for position holders will be clung August 21 at 09:00 Am. Look at result from here via seek their name and move number. To get come about on portable submit move no in remark box.

The Punjab University has begun the improvement booking of result diary and the CD's of the consequence of BA/Bsc 2014. Around 100 CD's will be given on 'initially begun things out serve' introduce in the wake of submitting Rs 300 for each CD.

Note! Today 3 September 2014, University of Punjab has announced (Bachelor of Commerce) B.Com Part 2 Result 2014.  Students can check your result from this page and download easily.

In this condition, the understudies need to submit Rs 300, in the HBL New Campus Branch Punjab University Lahore for Treasurer and submit the first receipt to the working environment of Assistant Controller Examinations and token will be given till August 19. The CD's will be given to hopefuls upon the entry of result ad in morning 06:00 am.the University won't give CD's on cash portion.

Meanwhile, PU Examinations Department has promoted the timetable for accommodation of confirmation charge & structures for Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm-D) Second Professional Annual Examination. Understudies can submit the structure with single charge till Aug 25 while with twofold due upto Aug 28, 2014.

Punjab University Examinations division has promoted that Bachelor of Education (B.ed) second yearly examination 2013 and yearly examination 2014 will start from August 28, 2014. move number slips have been issued to the understudies at their areas while move number slips of around 400 candidates have not been issued in light of their lacking and missteps structure. The people who couldn't get slips till Aug 18 can visit PU's B.ed area. After departure of challenges they will get their move number slips at their notice addresses. However those candidates whose move number slips have not been sent in light of cost issue can contact PU Fee Section Account Branch, general move number slips won't be issued to those understudies, who have not educated the University office opportune. For this circumstance the candidate will be competent.

Labeled With: 

result, yearly, ba, bsc, college, PU, Punjab, Lahore, position holders, topper rundown, Punjab college, 2014, 2013, confirmations, move no slip, expense, charge plan, exams, examination, structures,

Incoming Search Term 

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Punjab University (PU) Lahore B,A Result 2014


Punjab University (PU) Lahore B,A Result 2014

LAHORE: The Punjab University (PU) will affirm the consequence of B.a/ yearly examination 2014 on August 20 while prize scattering capacity for position holders will be clung August 21 at 09:00 Am. Look at result from here via seek their name and move number. To get come about on portable submit move no in comment box. 

The Punjab University has begun the advancement booking of result diary and the CD's of the aftereffect of BA/Bsc 2014. Around 100 CD's will be given on 'initially begun things out serve' preface in the wake of submitting Rs 300 for each CD. 

In this condition, the understudies need to submit Rs 300, in the HBL New Campus Branch Punjab University Lahore for Treasurer and submit the first receipt to the working environment of Assistant Controller Examinations and token will be given till August 19. The CD's will be given to applicants upon the entry of result promotion in morning 06:00 am.the University won't give CD's on cash portion.

Note! Today 3 September 2014, University of Punjab has announced (Bachelor of Commerce) B.Com Part 2 Result 2014.  Students can check your result from this page and download easily. 

Meanwhile, PU Examinations Department has promoted the timetable for accommodation of confirmation charge & structures for Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm-D) Second Professional Annual Examination. Understudies can submit the structure with single charge till Aug 25 while with twofold due upto Aug 28, 2014. 

Punjab University Examinations office has publicized that Bachelor of Education (B.ed) second yearly examination 2013 and yearly examination 2014 will start from August 28, 2014. move number slips have been issued to the understudies at their areas while move number slips of around 400 candidates have not been issued in light of their deficient and errors structure. The people who couldn't get slips till Aug 18 can visit PU's B.ed segment. After clearing of challenges they will get their move number slips at their notice addresses. However those candidates whose move number slips have not been sent as a result of cost issue can contact PU Fee Section Account Branch, general move number slips won't be issued to those understudies, who have not educated the University division convenient. For this circumstance the candidate will be competent. 

Labeled With

result, yearly, ba, bsc, college, PU, Punjab, Lahore, position holders, topper rundown, Punjab college, 2014, 2013, affirmations, move no slip, charge, expense plan, exams, examination, structures, 

Incoming Google Search 

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Pu yearly come about 2014 ba bsc, online result 2014, 
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Punjab college bsc result 2014, 
Punjab college confirmation structure 2014,


Punjab University (PU) Lahore B.Sc Result 2014


Punjab University (PU) Lahore B.Sc Result 2014

LAHORE: The Punjab University (PU) will proclaim the aftereffect of B.a/ yearly examination 2014 on August 20 while prize scattering capacity for position holders will be clung August 21 at 09:00 Am. Look at result from here via seek their name and move number. To get come about on portable submit move no in remark box. 

The Punjab University has begun the improvement booking of result diary and the CD's of the aftereffect of BA/Bsc 2014. Around 100 CD's will be given on 'initially begun things out serve' preface in the wake of submitting Rs 300 for each CD. 

In this situation, the understudies need to submit Rs 300, in the HBL New Campus Branch Punjab University Lahore for Treasurer and submit the first receipt to the working environment of Assistant Controller Examinations and token will be given till August 19. The CD's will be given to competitors upon the landing of result commercial in morning 06:00 am.the University won't give CD's on cash portion.

Note! Today 3 September 2014, University of Punjab has announced (Bachelor of Commerce) B.Com Part 2 Result 2014.  Students can check your result from this page and download easily. 

Meanwhile, PU Examinations Department has publicized the timetable for accommodation of confirmation charge & structures for Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm-D) Second Professional Annual Examination. Understudies can submit the structure with single charge till Aug 25 while with twofold due upto Aug 28, 2014. 

Punjab University Examinations office has publicized that Bachelor of Education (B.ed) second yearly examination 2013 and yearly examination 2014 will start from August 28, 2014. move number slips have been issued to the understudies at their areas while move number slips of around 400 candidates have not been issued in light of their insufficient and mix-ups structure. The people who couldn't get slips till Aug 18 can visit PU's B.ed area. After clearing of challenges they will get their move number slips at their notice addresses. However those candidates whose move number slips have not been sent in view of cost issue can contact PU Fee Section Account Branch, general move number slips won't be issued to those understudies, who have not educated the University office opportune. For this circumstance the candidate will be able. 

Labeled With: 

result, yearly, ba, bsc, college, PU, Punjab, Lahore, position holders, topper rundown, Punjab college, 2014, 2013, confirmations, move no slip, expense, charge plan, exams, examination, structures, 

Google Search Term

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Pu yearly come about 2014 ba bsc, online result 2014, 
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Punjab college bsc result 2014, 
Punjab college affirmation structure 2014, result 2014,


Punjab University (PU) Lahore BA/BSc Online Result 2014


Punjab University (PU) Lahore BA/BSc Online Result 2014 Search By Name & Father Name 

LAHORE: The Punjab University (PU) will report the aftereffect of B.a/B.Sc yearly examination 2014 on August 20 while prize scattering capacity for position holders will be clung August 21 at 09:00 Am. Look at result from here via seek their name and roll number. To get come about on portable submit move no in comment box. 

Note! Today 3 September 2014, University of Punjab has announced (Bachelor of Commerce) B.Com Part 2 Result 2014.  Students can check your result from this page and download easily. Students check your result by search by name and roll No. 

The Punjab University has begun the improvement booking of result diary and the CD's of the consequence of BA/Bsc 2014. Around 100 CD's will be given on 'initially begun things out serve' preface in the wake of submitting Rs 300 for each CD. 

In this situation, the understudies need to submit Rs 300, in the HBL New Campus Branch Punjab University Lahore for Treasurer and submit the first receipt to the working environment of Assistant Controller Examinations and token will be given till August 19. The CD's will be given to applicants upon the entry of result ad in morning 06:00 am.the University won't give CD's on cash portion. 

Meanwhile, PU Examinations Department has publicized the timetable for accommodation of confirmation charge & structures for Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm-D) Second Professional Annual Examination. Understudies can submit the structure with single charge till Aug 25 while with twofold due upto Aug 28, 2014. 

Punjab University Examinations office has publicized that Bachelor of Education (B.ed) second yearly examination 2013 and yearly examination 2014 will start from August 28, 2014. move number slips have been issued to the understudies at their areas while move number slips of around 400 candidates have not been issued in light of their insufficient and slip-ups structure. The people who couldn't get slips till Aug 18 can visit PU's B.ed segment. After departure of challenges they will get their move number slips at their notice addresses. However those candidates whose move number slips have not been sent as a result of cost issue can contact PU Fee Section Account Branch, general move number slips won't be issued to those understudies, who have not educated the University division auspicious. For this circumstance the candidate will be able. 

Labeled With: 

result, yearly, ba, bsc, college, PU, Punjab, Lahore, position holders, topper rundown, Punjab college, 2014, 2013, affirmations, move no slip, charge, expense plan, exams, examination, structures, 

You Can Search More

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Pu yearly come about 2014 ba bsc, online result 2014, 
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Punjab college bsc result 2014, 
Punjab college confirmation structure 2014,


Punjab University Lahore BA / BSc Annual Result 2014 Announced on 20 Aug


Punjab University BA / BSc Annual Result 2014 Announced on 20 Aug 

Note! Today 3 September 2014, University of Punjab has announced (Bachelor of Commerce) B.Com Part 2 Result 2014.  Students can check your result from this page and download easily. Students check your result by search by name and roll No. 
B.Com part 1 result 2014 PU 

LAHORE: The Punjab University (PU) will announce the result of BA/Bsc annual examination 2014 on August 20 while prize dispersion function for position holders will be hung on August 21 at 9am. Check out result from here by search their name and roll number. To get result on mobile submit roll no in comment box. 

 The Punjab University has started the development booking of result journal and the CD's of the result of BA/Bsc 2014. Around 100 CD's will be given on 'first started things out serve' premise in the wake of submitting Rs 300 for every CD. 

In this circumstance, the understudies need to submit Rs 300, in the HBL New Campus Branch Punjab University Lahore for Treasurer and submit the first receipt to the workplace of Assistant Controller Examinations and token will be given till August 19. The CD's will be given to candidates upon the arrival of result advertisement in morning 6:00am.the University won't give CD's on money installment.
In the mean time, PU Examinations Department has advertised the schedule for submission of admission fee & forms for Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm-D) Second Professional Annual Examination. Understudies can submit the structure with single charge till Aug 25 while with double due upto Aug 28, 2014. 

Punjab University Examinations department has advertised that Bachelor of Education (B.ed) second annual examination 2013 and yearly examination 2014 will begin from August 28, 2014. roll number slips have been issued to the understudies at their locations while roll number slips of around 400 applicants have not been issued in light of their inadequate and mistakes form. The individuals who couldn't get slips till Aug 18 can visit PU's B.ed section. After evacuation of protests they will get their roll number slips at their notice addresses. However those applicants whose roll number slips have not been sent because of expense issue can contact PU Fee Section Account Branch, overall roll number slips won't be issued to those understudies, who have not informed the University department timely. For this situation the applicant will be capable.

Tagged With: result, annual, ba, bsc, university, PU, Punjab, Lahore, position holders, topper list, Punjab university, 2014, 2013, admissions, roll no slip, fee, fee schedule, exams, examination, forms, 

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Pu annual result 2014 ba bsc, online result 2014, 
punjab university ba result 2014, 
Punjab university bsc result 2014, 
Punjab university admission form 2014, 

Punjab University (PU) Lahore BA/BSc Annual Result 2014


Punjab University (PU) Lahore BA/BSc Annual Result 2014

LAHORE: The Punjab University (PU) will announce the result of BA/Bsc annual examination 2014 on August 20 while prize dispersion function for position holders will be hung on August 21 at 9am. 

Note! Today 3 September 2014, University of Punjab has announced (Bachelor of Commerce) B.Com Part 2 Result 2014.  Students can check your result from this page and download easily. Students check your result by search by name and roll No. 

The Punjab University has started the development booking of result journal and the CD's of the result of BA/Bsc 2014. Around 100 CD's will be given on 'first started things out serve' premise in the wake of submitting Rs 300 for every CD. 

In this circumstance, the understudies need to submit Rs 300, in the HBL New Campus Branch Punjab University Lahore for Treasurer and submit the first receipt to the workplace of Assistant Controller Examinations and token will be given till August 19. The CD's will be given to candidates upon the arrival of result advertisement in morning 6:00am.the University won't give CD's on money installment.

In the mean time, PU Examinations Department has advertised the schedule for submission of admission fee & forms for Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm-D) Second Professional Annual Examination. Understudies can submit the structure with single charge till Aug 25 while with double due upto Aug 28, 2014. 

Punjab University Examinations department has advertised that Bachelor of Education (B.ed) second annual examination 2013 and yearly examination 2014 will begin from August 28, 2014. roll number slips have been issued to the understudies at their locations while roll number slips of around 400 applicants have not been issued in light of their inadequate and mistakes form. The individuals who couldn't get slips till Aug 18 can visit PU's B.ed section. After evacuation of protests they will get their roll number slips at their notice addresses. However those applicants whose roll number slips have not been sent because of expense issue can contact PU Fee Section Account Branch, overall roll number slips won't be issued to those understudies, who have not informed the University department timely. For this situation the applicant will be capable.

Tagged With: result, annual, ba, bsc, university, PU, Punjab, Lahore, position holders, topper list, Punjab university, 2014, 2013, admissions, roll no slip, fee, fee schedule, exams, examination, forms, 

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