The Holy month Rabi-UL-Awwal is the most respected month of the year. Because beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad S.S.W birthday on 12th Rabi-UL-Awwal the Islamic month. The Rabi-UL-Awwal chand sight on day before so its mean the Eid Milad-UN-Nabi Holy day on dated 14th January 2014. This day is celebrated in everywhere in this world. Pakistan is one of the best country that celebrate in all cities of Pakistan.
believe him to have been Born on the dawn of the seventeenth day. The name Rabi-UL-Awwal means the first (Month) or beginning of Spring, referring to its position in the pre-Islamic Arabian Calendar. Hence this considered to be a very blessed month.
06th Rabi-UL-Awwal 1404 AH, death of Hazrat Khwaja Allah Bakhsh Abbasi Naqshbandi
08th Rabi-UL-Awwal, death of Twelfth Imam, Hasan Al 'Askari
09th Rabi-UL-Awwal, Eid-e-Shuja
12th Rabi-UL-Awwal, Sunni Muslims observe Maw-lid in commemoration of Muhammad's Birthday
17th Rabi-UL-Awwal, Shi'ah Muslims Celebrate the birthday of Muhammad and the Shi'ah Imam, Ja'far Al Sadiq
18th Rabi-UL-Awwal, Birth of Umm Khultum Bint Ali
26th Rabi-UL-Awwal, death of Abu Talib Ibn Abdul Muttalib
26th Rabi-UL-Awwal, 1333 AH, death of Khwaja Sirajuddin Naqshbandi, A Naqshbandi Sufi Shaykh,
Others events
The Hijra (Migration) took place in this Month
Eid-e-Zahra (A.K.A Eid e Shuja) a celebration of Shi'ah Muslims
Marriage of Muhammad to Khadijah Bint Khuwaylid
Building of Quba Mosque (First Mosque in Islam)
Jashne Aamadde Rasool Allah Hi Allah full video